Closing Worlds and the MSc "Strategy and Design for the Anthropocene" will be represented at the Biennale of Cities in Transition in Grenoble on April 2nd and 3rd for several events:
A round-table discussion entitled "Faced with the ecological disaster, do companies have a strategy? " will be dedicated to ecological redirection, on April 2 between 5:30 and 7pm in the company of several professionals (designers, entrepreneurs, researchers, etc.).
"More and more companies are projecting themselves into the next world and have made ecological redirection their new compass, thus profoundly modifying their strategies and business plans. The Origens Media Lab accompanies these business leaders on this new path and invites us to meet some of them."
A test session of the renunciation mural will be dedicated, elaborated by Diego Landivar and Victor Ecrement, will be open to the general public, on April 3 between 10:00 and 12:30.
"This serious game is set in the near future, where an environmentalist candidate arrives at the presidency. The players are part of a "renunciation committee" representative of the French, who is in charge of defining which activities should be stopped to face the environmental crises."
Finally, a third and last roundtable will be held on Saturday, April 3 between 2:00 and 3:30 pm, on the theme To operate the ecological redirection is it necessary to de-sinnover?.
"Current research in ecological redirection emphasizes the difficulty of organizations in the innovation and technology sector to properly integrate strong sustainability logics, or even the capacity of our planet to host new products or equipment (connected objects, autonomous vehicles, etc.)."
Registration and viewing links to be found on the respective pages of these different events.