Alexandre Monnin is the Director of the MSc and the Scientific Director of Origens Media Lab, co-founder of the Closing Worlds initiative and Professor in a business school (ESC Clermont BS), and member of the GDS Eco-info and member of the board of the 27e Région and CY School of Design.
Prior to that, he was a researcher at Inria (2014-2017), junior to fellow at the IKKM (Bauhaus University, 2013) and web research manager at the Institute of Research and Innovation of the Centre Pompidou (2010-2013).
Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, his thesis focused on the philosophy and architecture of the Web. He co-edited a book on this subject Philosophical Engineering. Towards a Philosophy of the Web as well as an issue of the journal Intellectica. He is one of the co-authors of the report entitled Towards digital sobriety published by the Shift Project in 2018 (2019 for the English version). He has also been the co-editor of special issues in the journals Multitudes, Sciences du Design, Passerelle and SociologieS.
With Diego Landivar and Emmanuel Bonnet, he is preparing a book to be published by Divergences in spring 2021.
More information here:

I am a teacher and researcher in science for engineering at the University Grenoble Alpes and member of the INRIA STEEP team since 2018. I hold a PhD in mechanical and industrial engineering. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of the PNR and/or the RN des Hauts de Chartreuse since 2020.
My favorite themes are modeling and environmental assessment of technologies and production processes.
Faced with the observation that technological solutions will probably never be able to contain the environmental impacts of human activities within the planetary limits, I decided to explore another way. The guiding idea is to offer citizens (or their political representatives) tools to inform the public (necessarily political) debate in order to better identify the paths of transformation towards organizations that would be able to respect the planetary limits.

Sophie Marmorat is a teacher-researcher at the Esc Clermont BS group. Doctor in Management Sciences from the University of Burgundy, and co-founder of the PEOPLE program.
Her work and investigations focus on corporate governance, organizational and managerial innovation and more recently on accounting models in the face of the Anthropocene. Her teachings focus on how to include environmental and climate issues in organizations' accounting models and more generally on corporate finance and accounting.

Grégoire is a creamer and cheesemaker in Paris, a trainer for the CAP (vocational training certificate) in creamers, and a university-educated sociologist and anthropologist.
In parallel to his two jobs, the practice of his profession is enriched by historical and anthropological research on cheese as a product, the objective of which is to establish it as a specimen-symbol of the evolution of the Anthropocene.