Serge Fenet is a lecturer in artificial intelligence. He belongs to the "Data Mining and Machine Learning" (DM2L) team of the LIRIS laboratory, which focuses on methods for extracting knowledge from complex data, with the aim of assisting knowledge discovery using automatic or semi-automatic methods. He also works in the INRIA STEEP team ("Sustainability Transition, Environment, Economy and local Policy").
His work focuses on the construction, evaluation and validation of numerical models in an inter-disciplinary context, and particularly in relation to certain central questions of the Anthropocene. He thus tries to participate in the development of the emerging field of ecoinformatics, which attempts to assess the sustainability of our modern human societies and their impacts on global ecosystems, in particular using modeling, simulation and numerical optimization methods.

Xavier Fourt, artist and doctoral student in anthropology at EHESS, is a member of the group of designers Bureau d'études with Léonore Bonaccini. The group has developed different methods for mapping, network and system representation. He is an active member of the Ferme de la Mhotte (03), a multi-activity biodynamic farm that today involves 25 people in a school area of Bourbonnais.
Since 1995, founding members and volunteers of the Syndicat Potentiel (Strasbourg). Founders of the journal la Planete laboratoire (https://laboratoryplanet.org) and of the intermedia artists/biologists collective Aliens in green with Ewen Chardronnet.
Publication: Atlas of agendas - mapping the power, mapping the commons, Onomatopoeia edition, Eindhoven, English, 2015. Re-edited. 2020.

Sylvia Fredriksson is a designer and teacher-researcher. Her work focuses on the relationship between design, technique and politics.
Associated with the research pole of the Cité du design de Saint-Étienne between 2016 and 2018, she led the research program Design des Instances, dedicated to new configurations of space and democratic tools, as well as the scientific curator of the exhibition L'Expérience Tiers-Lieux - Fork The World within the framework of the International Design Biennial 2017.
Since 2020, she has been a member of the ECOLAB research unit of the Orléans School of Art and Design, Objects, crafts and computation program.
She is a member of the Oxamyne cooperative and a contributor to the work of the collectives SavoirCom1, Remix The Commons, Open Knowledge Foundation, design↔commun.

Tony Fry is an award-winning designer, design theorist, cultural theorist, educator and author. He is the principal and creator of The Studio at the Edge of the World (Launceston, Tasmania), Adjunct Professor, Architecture and Design, University of Tasmania. He is also: a visiting Professor at the University of Ibagué, Colombia, Formally Tony was Professor of Design, Griffith University, Brisbane (2007-2014).
His research interests include post sustainability and ontological design, cosmotechnics, decoloniality, and conflict and the new humanities in the age of a changing climate. As an author Tony has published fifteen books, has edited four, has essays in thirty collections and has published numerous articles and conference papers.
His most recent books are: Unstaging War : Confronting Conflict and Peace (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), and A New Political Imagination, Making the Case, with Madina Tlostanova, (Routledge, 2021).