Eléonore Sas is a student in user experience design at the University of Technology of Compiègne (master UxD). With her colleague Marie Leroy, she seeks to identify and link the different currents of thought and design methodologies used to face the challenges of the Anthropocene. The results of this research project are then disseminated to designers through the blog of La Boussole des designers.
After studying in literary preparatory classes and in information management, Eléonore is now interested in the influence of the Western dualistic vision, in the impact of techniques on human and non-human behaviors, and in the responsibility of designers regarding the habitability of the world.

Rosa Stourac McCreery: performer, clown doctor, joker, facilitator, director, cultural instigator, currently based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
Rosa works with people with lived experience to tell stories and raise voices that too often go unheard or are marginalised, as part of a change-making process. After Completing a BA (hons) in Performing Arts at Middlesex University, she trained for 2 years at Ecole Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School in Paris, with Cardboard Citizens, London, and Theatre for Living, Vancouver. She has worked around the UK, in Canada, Europe and Africa.
Rosa’s background is in physical and visual theatre approaches to theatre for social change. Forum Theatre and Legislative Theatre, and the other tools of the Theatre of the Oppressed are key aspects of her practice.
Her performance work has encompassed dance theatre, circus theatre, street/outdoor theatre, object and puppet theatre, and aerial theatre. Her directing work has usually been in new writing or devised projects. Since 2007 Rosa has also been Creative and Operations director of a social enterprise, Dynamix Extreme CIC, building the largest indoor skatepark, the highest aerial circus training and the only indoor amphitheatre in the North East, and working with a wide range of communities and creative practitioners, including Lalya Gaye! She is currently Regional Coordinator and Associate Artist with Cardboard Citizens’ Cardboard Camp North East Programme, creating Forum Theatre with people with experience of homelessness.